do i have what it takes

i've always been a fighter. focused on what i want. determined. usually get what i go after. and i usually take the road less traveled. i always try to enjoy the ride. i hate losing. so i'm a poor loser. competitive by nature. but i always congratulate a winner. i'm not shy of recognizing talent when i see it. nor pointing out mediocrity when i witness it. i love beauty. love my friends. and i'll give my blood for family anytime, anyway and anyhow. i love using my hands. and my mind too. my heart i use all the time. wether i'm using my hands, my mind or both. i excel under pressure. relax when not. i lay back and lay low when friends shine. and i love it when they do. i know my music and my wine. i love my woman and my life. i'm temperamental. emotion prone. it's all or nothing with me. i don't take shit from anyone. i believe in respect. and in retribution. you get what you give and you give what you get. i enjoy nonsense. a good laugh. and when i laugh, i laugh loud. i'm traffic intolerant. michael douglas "falling down" style. patience is not one of my virtues. but i'm working on it. it just takes time. and patience. i believe in working hard and playing hard. it's not too hard being serious. it's not too hard not being serious either. i rock when i rock and i roll when i roll. pre-fatherhood has put all this into perspective. made me review myself. position myself in the chaos of it all. so do i have what it takes to be the best father in the world? time will tell. and i hope my son does too.


  1. não tenho a mínima dúvida que serás o melhor pai do mundo!! e espero que o baby herde todas as características que falas em cima e outras mais!!
    luv u <3
    bjoooo meu e do baby ;)

  2. Conhecemo-nos há quê, 2 anos? Por aí...
    Sabes que gosto muito da Irina e que gosto muito de ti, por ti e por a fazeres feliz, depois de tanto.

    Serás um pai exemplar, como és marido e como és amigo. Sabes porquê? Porque as boas pessoas (as bem formadas, fortes, lutadoras, honestas, felizes, solidárias, respeitadoras) desempenham sempre bem os papéis que a vida lhes impõe. Porque é da natureza delas: esforçam-se, falham, acertam, mas nunca desistem.

    Ser pai deste bébé, para ti Rui, vai ser a 2ª maior alegria da tua vida. A 1ª é, de certeza, partilhá-la com a mãe dele.

    Adoro a vossa história e estou radiante com o vosso bébé. Agradeço ter-vos "por perto"... as histórias dos filmes afinal sempre acontecem :) Beijinhos
